Yes, relationship Communication can be better!

We know first-hand the pressures this cross-cultural life places on our work and personal relationships—with co-leaders, colleagues, housemates, and friends. Are you in a good place, but know you could communicate and make decisions in a better way? Are you struggling to work things out effectively? This training will give you skills and tools that can be used independently or combined, for a more comprehensive, decision-making process.

You’ll leave this training ready to:

  • Turn moments of conflict into stronger unity and understanding.

  • Avoid harmful conflict and navigate useful conflicts in a healthy manner.

  • Prevent the all-too-common unmet expectations problem.

  • Take action and make actual changes, rather than just talking about the problem.

  • Demonstrate both kindness and respect for your teammates, co-workers, housemates, or friends.

How it works

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Learn about the Skill

Before each live session, you will hear the heart behind and the do’s and don’ts of that week’s skill in the training video.


See a live Demo

Next, you’ll watch a video demonstration of your trainers using the skills in an unrehearsed real life topic. While it’s recorded, it’s very much ‘live.’


Practice with support

You’ll get to practice the new skill together, with a facilitator available to encourage and support you in your live session.


Apply it to Your situation

You’ll consider how to integrate and practice what you learn into the normal rhythms of your life, group, and communication.


6 Modules

(Typically spread out over 6 or more weeks)

A module consists of:

Up to an hour of training and demonstration videos

(on demand and long-term access)

Plus 90 minutes with a See Beyond trainer and your partner, colleague, or group.


Topics include:

Uncovering Our Values

Other-Centered Reflective Listening

Inviting and Sharing Our Desires

Asking More Helpful Questions

Making Decisions

Supporting Decisions

What others are saying . . .

These are great skills that we WILL use.
— Josh Webb
The skills we learned were SO helpful and the way we learned them, with an emphasis on the heart behind each one, was really impactful! The live practice times with feedback and discussion were helpful as we tried the skills for the first time. The real life/real time demo videos helped create an atmosphere of trust with our facilitators and encouraged us.
— Kaylyn and Zach

How it works

We'll have six training sessions. In each session:

  1. You’ll listen to the training and demonstration videos for the current session.

  2. You'll meet with your facilitator to practice the skills and get the encouragement, help, and support you need to get through any tricky spots.

  3. You’ll practice those skills as a group before moving on to the next training video.

    You’ll be able to schedule your live, facilitated sessions at your own pace with your dedicated facilitator.




Any additional private sessions: $75/hour/person



Any additional private sessions: $50/hour/person

This training requires a minimum of 2 participants. The live, facilitated times may need to be longer based on the number of participants.



Each participant needs to fill out an individual registration form.