We believe marriage is a sacred connection.

We believe strong marriages take work.

We believe our marriages are worth working on and fighting for.

Are you watching your friends’ or family’s marriages fall apart and thinking, “How do we keep that from happening to us?” Join us and take steps to divorce-proof your marriage.

Reach for even more than that.

Build the skills for an incredibly intimate connection with your spouse.

How It Works

If you haven’t read our main page on Navigating Desires & Decisions, click here.

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Learn about the Skill

Before each live session, you will hear the heart behind and the do’s and don’ts of that week’s skill in the training video.


See a live Demo

Next, you’ll watch a video demonstration of a trainer couple using the skills in an unrehearsed real life topic. While it’s recorded, it’s very much ‘live’.


Practice with support

You’ll get to practice the new skill together, with a facilitator couple available to encourage and support you in your live session.


Apply it to Your life

You’ll consider how to integrate and practice what you learn into the normal rhythms of your life and communication.


training Details and Registration

We know firsthand the pressures this cross-cultural life puts on our marriages. We have lived most of our married life cross-culturally. Along the way, we've discovered some communication techniques that have truly helped us.

You’ll leave this training ready to:

  • Turn moments of conflict into deeper intimacy and understanding.

  • Prevent the all-too-common unmet expectations problem.

  • Take action and make actual changes, rather than just talking about the problem.

  • Demonstrate both love and respect for your spouse.

5 Modules Over 5 Days

Typically spread out over 5 weeks

A module consists of:

Up to one hour of training and demonstration videos to watch, ideally in the last 24 hours before your live facilitated meeting.

Up to one hour live with a facilitator couple to talk about and practice the skill



Scheduled at your convenience


What others are saying

I think we have been wanting and desiring increased intimacy in our marriage for quite some time. We were making progress with the tools we had before, but it was slow, and we felt kind of stuck. This training gave us tools to get unstuck, and we’re excited with how it will help us to move forward in intimacy.
— James and Jen Friesen
These are great skills that we WILL use.
— Josh Webb
This training helped us improve communication between us and with our kids, and in ways we never imagined that we needed help!
— Training participant

How it works

For each module you will:

  1. Practice the previously covered skill

  2. Review the manual as needed.  It’s designed to use as a review document, so there is no need to read it in advance.   

  3. Watch the training video and the demonstration video (preferably in the 24 hours before you meet with your facilitating couple)

  4. Bring your takeaways and questions from the videos to your live sessions. 

  5. Meet live with your facilitating couple and practice the skill.  We’ll be here to support and encourage you.  



Training: $975/couple

Any additional private sessions: $150/hour


Training: $650/couple

Any additional private sessions: $100/hour